Connecting with Others

This week, we’d like to highlight that connecting with others can be a critical piece of our #Tools2Thrive. We are social beings, and we need connection! Here are more thoughts on this topic from Mackenzie Ryan, OMS I:

Mackenzie Ryan, OMS I

This is probably one of the most important discussions we could have in light of everything going on with coronavirus right now. Connecting with others has been, quite frankly, the only thing that has kept me pushing through these weeks of isolation. As a student, I think it can be hard to “find time” to have conversations and be social.

I have always been a very social person and so part of my “me time” is scheduling out calls and video chats with my friends. I carve out an hour every Saturday morning to call my mom because it’s something that makes me happy and brings me away from the stress of medical school. I have also made it a point to reach out to my friends on the rare occasions that we do have a weekend off and set up a Friday night game night over zoom.

Another important key for me has been reaching out to my “med school people”. Talking with others who are going through the same struggles that I am helps me feel like I am not alone. They also offer great advice on things that they are doing to keep their routines, habits, and happiness. If you’re reading this today, I urge you to find thirty minute this week to call someone: a friend, your parents, your grandparents, a sibling, another med student. Take the time to catch up, seek advice, and relax for a bit. It can be easy to close ourselves off during this time of isolation but I think it is important, now more than ever, to reach out and check on the ones we love.

Mental Health Resources
For behavioral health emergencies, 24/7 support can be accessed by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255, texting HELP to the Crisis Textline 741-741, calling 911, or visiting your nearest emergency room.

Colorado Campus Resources
Kären Robinson, LPC
Mental Health & Wellness Counselor
Click here to schedule an appointment with Kären.
Click here for Virtual Drop-in hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4 p.m.
24/7 Emergency and Referral Hotline Student Linc 1-888-893-LINC (5462)

Southern Utah Campus Students
Kathy Killian-Harmon, LMFT
Mental Health & Wellness Counselor
435-668-7996 /
Zoom or chat on Teams site.
24/7 Emergency and Referral Hotline Student Linc 1-888-893-LINC (5462)

RVU Faculty and Staff
EmployeeConnect program for mental health counseling services: Call Guidance Resources 888-628-4824. Guidance Resources also provides legal consultation, financial consultation, work/life consultation regarding childcare, eldercare,  and health advocacy.

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